Recent Developments (back to Top) Not along after our trip, we found some further information regarding the availability of buses at airport: In August 2013, the “Bore-Nei” video by Monkeetime received some attention. We worried a little that our video might be similar to it, and also, it was a video by an actual tourist; […]
Articles Tagged: appendix
Perspectives on Performing Arts in Brunei: A’aqiil Ahmad
Interest My first actual theatre play was in the multipurpose hall where I became Magic Man. The name of the play was “Children of the Future”, I came in to put everyone to sleep by putting magical dust on them and then asked each student what they wanted to be when I grow up. I […]
Perspectives on Performing Arts in Brunei: Abdul Zainidi
(This is the extended version of Abdul Zainidi’s interview in Perspectives: Performing Arts in Brunei) In an email correspondence with Open Brunei Abdul Zainidi explains BruRealism, the Youtube series “Brunei In Paris” and the performing arts industry in Brunei.
Perspectives on Skin Colour: Columnist
On perspectives of skin colour by Columnist When Faiq invited me to write a post on perspectives of skin colour in Brunei, my immediate thoughts were on binary oppositions. What binary opposites allow us to do is to put two terms in juxtaposition as an approach to understand concepts: I know what dark or darkness […]
Perspectives on Skin Colour: Santika Apri
University of Exeter There are only two Bruneian students, here in Cornwall Campus, currently, and I think there are 22 Bruneians studying in Exeter’s Main Campus. Cornwall is probably the warmest place in the United Kingdom (it took us a while to join the rest of the country when every other county were snowing). It definitely […]