In this post we look at attitudes towards skin colour in Brunei, from Tasya’s reflections on skin whitening, to Santika’s burgeoning interest on perceptions of skin colour, finally Columnist in his essay on binary oppositions and ideals.
Articles Tagged: Perspectives: Skin Colour in Brunei
Perspectives on Skin Colour: Columnist
On perspectives of skin colour by Columnist When Faiq invited me to write a post on perspectives of skin colour in Brunei, my immediate thoughts were on binary oppositions. What binary opposites allow us to do is to put two terms in juxtaposition as an approach to understand concepts: I know what dark or darkness […]
Perspectives on Skin Colour: Santika Apri
University of Exeter There are only two Bruneian students, here in Cornwall Campus, currently, and I think there are 22 Bruneians studying in Exeter’s Main Campus. Cornwall is probably the warmest place in the United Kingdom (it took us a while to join the rest of the country when every other county were snowing). It definitely […]